Healthy Bees

Sustainable Farm

Better Fiji


A healthy Fiji needs better farming.

We are Fijians. Over 20 years ago, with the blessing of our church and few dollars in our pocket, we left Australia to become missionaries in Fiji. Little did we know that this would be the country which we would not only start our dream farm, but we would also end up adopting two children and become Fijian citizens.

Fiji is a beautiful place and has become a major tourist destination for much of the world. However, industrialized cropping has taken over much of Fijian farm land. This type of farming isn't only bad for the Fijian farms and Fiji, but it isn't good for the word. Fiji, like most Pacific Island nations is highly susceptible to rising oceans the downsides of degrading

Fiji needs sustainable agriculture. 

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Sustainable Agriculture Brings

It continues to amaze me how the food we put into our bodies is what is broken down and, quite literally, creates us. Similarly, the work we put into our lives and our community shapes who are as individuals. At Cegu Valley, we reinvest most of what we earn back into our community to teach, train, and support other local farmers who wish to diversify their crops or their farming techniques. 

Sustainable farming is about more than just eating healthy or being environmentally-friendly. It's about a lifestyle that allows an individual to become debt free and live solely off land. Many of the farming practices today involve soil degradation and debt, which can lead to low wages and poverty. We aim to change this through understanding and training sustainable farming techniques - one of which is bee-keeping. 

Sustainable agriculture needs healthy bees.


Bee the ultimate sidekick.


Farming sustainably means cultivating many crops at once. unfortunately, this also means a lot more manual labor. Thankfully, bees can support a diverse farm by not only providing an additional source of revenue, from the sale of honey, but the bees also help pollinate all the other crops on the farm. This perpetuates a healthy cycle of sustainability.

If you're looking to support us financially, you can do so by making a donation (we're always needing new equipment to expand our farm, knoweldge, and reach) or purchasing our bee-keeping starter guide (50+ pages to get you started on your own bee apiary)


purchase one of our training manuals

housing for trainee's on the Farm